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Steve Jobs's Careers.




Steve Jobs is one of the most iconic figures in the tech world.


He was the co-founder of Apple, one of the most successful companies in the world.


Jobs was a visionary, a disruptor, and a leader who changed the way we interact with technology.


Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955 and grew up in Silicon Valley.


He attended Reed College but dropped out after just one semester, believing that it was too expensive for him to continue.


After dropping out, he took a job at Atari and worked on the development of the first personal computer.


In 1976, Jobs and his friend Steve Wozniak founded Apple Computer.


Jobs was the chairman and CEO of Apple from 1997 until 2011.


During his time at Apple, he was responsible for launching some of the company's most iconic products, including the Macintosh computer, iPod, iPhone and iPad.


He also oversaw the launch of iTunes and Apple's retail stores.


Jobs was also known for his innovative approach to business and leadership style.


He was passionate about creating products that were simple and easy to use.


He also believed in creating a culture of innovation and collaboration within Apple.


Jobs passed away in 2011 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.


His legacy lives on through Apple and its products, as well as through his inspirational speeches and quotes.


He will always be remembered as one of the greatest leaders and innovators in history.
